The prevalence of toothaches ranges from 5% to 88%. If you're neglecting your oral health, there's a chance you could experience a toothache as well. In fact, about one-tenth of patients have complained of pain from a toothache.
Before visiting your emergency dentist in Stockton, CA, consider trying these toothache remedies. These tips could help you ease the pain before you seek emergency dental care.
Learn how to ease a toothache with these tips today.
First, it helps to consider the underlying cause of your toothache. You might have an easier time choosing between toothache remedies if you pinpoint the cause.
You might notice your tooth hurts when you talk, chew, or even sleep. You could have a toothache due to a cracked, abscessed, or infected tooth. However, other reasons for a toothache can include:
In some cases, like gingivitis, you'll need to visit your Stockton, CA emergency dentist for treatment.
Consider trying these home remedies first. If they don't work, look for an emergency dentist near me right away. Seeking immediate treatment can help you avoid otherwise costly complications.
Here are a few tips that could help you find temporary relief.
You can visit your local drugstore to find over-the-counter (OTC) medications that can ease your pain. You can use OTC medications before your dentist appointment.
For example, you might try non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) first. NSAIDs target the inflammation that could cause your pain symptoms.
However, you shouldn't take NSAIDs for an extended period of time.
Prolonged use could damage your liver, kidneys, and stomach.
If you can't take NSAIDs, consider trying acetaminophen like Tylenol instead. Acetaminophen can also provide temporary toothache pain relief.
Make sure to follow the instructions when using OTCs. Check the label to determine the correct dose, too. Otherwise, too much acetaminophen could also cause liver damage.
While you're at the drugstore, you might come across toothache drops and gels instead. These products are designed to ease toothache pain by numbing the area when topically applied. These products usually contain ingredients like benzocaine.
Some pharmacies carry temporary tooth fillings over-the-counter. They include repair kits to soften the edge of a loose cap or lost filling.
It's important to note that these temporary fillings don't last long. Make sure to visit your dentist right away to have it replaced with a permanent option.
If over-the-counter medications don't work, start trying some of these home tooth care options.
For example, clove oil is popularly used to ease toothaches. It contains an active ingredient called eugenol, which can numb the skin at a touch.
You can usually find clove oil in the medicinal section at your local supermarket.
To use clove oil, squeeze a few drops into a teaspoon of olive oil or another carrier oil. Then, soak a cotton swab into the mixture and press it against the tooth. Keep it there for five to 10 minutes.
This at-home tooth care option is safe to use for adults. It's not recommended for children, though.
Consider trying a saltwater rinse to ease your tooth pain, too.
Salt is an antiseptic. It's also able to ease inflammation. Rinsing your mouth with saltwater could help heal sores or ulcers while promoting healthy gums.
To use this option, add a teaspoon of salt to an eight-ounce glass of water. Mix well. Then, swish the solution in your mouth for about 30 seconds before spitting it out.
Garlic contains allicin, a compound with both antimicrobial and antibacterial options. Using garlic could help kill the bacteria that's causing your toothache.
Allicin develops when garlic gloves are either chopped, chewed, or crushed. The compound is only available for a short period of time. Make sure to use fresh garlic if you're trying this remedy.
Consider chewing on a piece of fresh, peeled garlic. You can also crush it and apply it to the tooth with your fingers or a cotton swab.
If a saltwater rise doesn't work, consider a hydrogen peroxide rinse instead.
Use a 3% concentration of hydrogen peroxide (usually found at most drugstores). Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts water.
Then, swish the solution in your mouth for about 60 seconds before spitting it out. Do not swallow the solution. Rinse your mouth with water afterward.
This solution could help ease gum inflammation that might contribute to your toothache.
You can use peppermint tea to numb a painful tooth as well. Peppermint contains antimicrobial properties. It could help fight the oral bacteria that are causing your toothache or decay.
Aloe vera contains both antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. It could help soothe the inflammation that's causing irritation. It can also help if you've developed gum disease.
In fact, aloe vera gel might help soothe symptoms related to periodontitis (a severe form of gum disease). It's even used in germicidal mouthwash.
You can usually find aloe vera mouthwash at your local drug store. Swish the solution in your mouth for about 30 seconds twice a day. Then, spit it out.
If these toothache remedies don't work, know when to visit your emergency dentist in Stockton, CA. For example, you should visit a dentist if you experience:
Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment.
The next time a toothache begins to develop, give any of these seven toothache remedies a try. Otherwise, schedule an appointment with your emergency dentist in Stockton, CA right away. Visiting your dentist will help you find an effective solution.
They can help ease the pain, allowing you to get back to your life without the ache.
Eager to schedule your next appointment? We're here to help.
Contact us today to get started.
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