Only 64% of adults in the US have scheduled a dental exam or cleaning in the past year. Meanwhile, over 25% of adults ages 20 to 44 have untreated dental caries. Another 25% of adults ages 45 to 64 have untreated cavities.
Don't skip general dentistry appointments! Otherwise, you could put your oral health at risk.
Read on to discover what to expect from an appointment with your dentist in Stockton, CA today!
A general dentist will complete your dental exam, while a hygienist will complete your dental cleaning. Here's what to expect during your appointment.
Knowing what to expect can ease any dental anxiety you're experiencing. Here's what to expect during your appointment.
During your consultation appointment, your dentist will ask questions about your oral health. They'll use this information to customize your oral health care based on your needs. Let your dentist know about:
Tell your dentist if you have any medical conditions you're undergoing treatment for. Otherwise, discuss your previous dental appointments and treatments.
Let them know about procedures, surgeries, or your experiences with anesthesia. After gathering your medical history, your dentist will develop your treatment plan.
Once they've collected the information they need, your dentist will complete visual examinations. They'll assess your jaw, gums, teeth, and supporting structures to determine your oral health needs.
For example, your dentist might schedule dental X-rays. X-rays help detect dental abnormalities not visible to the naked eye. They can gather information about your oral health below the gum line.
Your dentist will first request full mouth X-rays before spot-checking problem areas during future appointments. X-rays aren't necessary for every exam.
Don't worry; exposure to radiation is low. Talk to your dentist if you have any concerns.
Your dentist will use a metal probe to look behind and between your teeth. They'll check for warning signs of cavities, which can include:
Let your dentist know if you're experiencing sensitivity or pain.
A visual examination also allows your dentist to check for signs of gum disease. Sores, redness, or swelling could indicate you have gingivitis (the initial stage).
It's important to treat gum disease in the initial stage before it progresses. Otherwise, periodontitis could increase your risk of losing teeth.
During a dental cleaning, your dentist or dental hygienist will remove tartar and plaque. Plaque is a clear, tacky substance that can cling to your teeth and gums. When left unattended, plaque, saliva, and bacteria will harden into tartar.
You can't brush tartar away at home. You'll need to schedule a dental cleaning to have it removed. Otherwise, your risk of dental cavities and gum disease could increase.
Many dentists now use ultrasonic cleaning equipment during these appointments. Once they scrape the plaque and tartar away, your dentist or hygienist will polish your teeth. They may recommend proper brushing or flossing techniques to help you improve your oral health.
There were 54,540 new cases of oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer in 2023. The average age of people diagnosed with these cancers is 64. However, you still need to get checked on a routine basis.
If not detected early, oral cancer can spread quickly. It could become life-threatening if you delay or neglect treatment.
Your Stockton, CA dentist has training to detect early signs of oral cancer. Detecting the disease early will allow you to begin treatment before the cancer can spread.
Warning signs include:
To check for signs of oral cancer, your dentist will examine your jaw and mouth's soft tissues.
Following your examination and dental cleaning, your dentist will review their discoveries. They'll let you know of any problem areas you need to keep an eye on. Reviewing these concerns can help you make improvements to your oral health care.
Routine dental exams can keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong. It also gives your dentist a chance to spot problem areas.
Treating oral health issues can protect your overall health. Otherwise, bacteria and viruses could spread to other areas of the body.
Routine cleanings will reduce your risk of cavities, gum disease, and other problems. You might not realize you're experiencing symptoms if a problem is in its early stages. Remember, immediate treatment can help you avoid complications.
Avoiding gum disease and tooth decay can help freshen your breath. A dental cleaning can remove plaque, potentially brightening your smile.
These improvements can boost your self-esteem. You could feel more comfortable in social settings if you have a bright, clean smile.
Your dentist can recommend dental care services that align with your needs and goals. For example, you might consider:
Routine appointments could also save you money. A regular dental exam will help you make adjustments to your at-home dental care as needed. Making these adjustments will reduce the likelihood of serious problems.
As a result, you won't need to visit your dentist for a costly procedure. Instead, you can maintain the best oral and overall health possible.
You should schedule a dental exam or dental cleaning with your Stockton dentist every six months. Routine appointments can help you improve and maintain your oral health. They also allow you to fix oral health care concerns before they can progress to advanced stages.
Patients with oral risks or specific issues (like periodontitis) need appointments more often. Talk to your dentist to determine how often you should schedule appointments.
Don't neglect your dental care this year. Instead, visit your dentist in Stockton, CA for treatment. With general dentistry appointments, you can improve your smile and maintain your oral health.
Ready to schedule your next dental cleaning? We can't wait to see you at our offices! Contact
Galvez Dental today to book your next visit.
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